The Board

The board of Blue Shield Germany consists of six individual members and, as is stipulated in the statutes, of a representative from each of the six constituent members.

Individual members

Matthias Wehry


Liane Rybczyk


Dr. Franziska Klemstein

Vice President

Friederike Hansell

Board Member

Dr. Klaus Weschenfelder


Nadine Thiel

Board member 

Constituent Members in the Board

German Library Association (e.V.)

The German Library Association (Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V., dbv), with its more than 2,100 members, represents about 10,000 libraries nationwide that have c. 25,000 employes and 11 million users. Its central mission is to strengthen libraries so that they may provide free access to information. The association focuses on the development of innovative library services for research and society. As an actor in the political sphere, it supports libraries, particularly in the fields of information competence and media education, reading promotion and the opportunity for cultural and social participation of all citizens (Link to Website).

German Society For Cultural Property Protecion (e.V.)

The German Society for Cultural Property Protection (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kulturgutschutz e.V., DGKS) dedicates itself to the cause of the protection of cultural property during crises, catastrophes and emergencies. Its members are operating on the conviction that cultural property protection is not only a prerogative of the state, but also requires the engagement of civil-society actors and non-profit organisations. Following its motto "The protection of cultural property is relevant to us all!", DGKS offers an opportunity for participation to everyone interested in the issue (Link to Website).

German Commission for UNESCO (e.V.)

The German Commission for UNESCO (Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V., DUK) is an intermediary organisation for Germany's foreign cultural and educational policies. It serves as a connection between the government and civil society, and also as a cooperation partner for UNESCO. The Commission's focus areas are the promotion of high-quality and fair education, as well as the protection, conservation and sustainable development of the world's cultural and natural heritage (Link to Website).

German National Committee of ICOMOS (e.V.)

ICOMOS takes over tasks as advisory body for the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. The German National Committee of ICOMOS is committed both on the supra-regional and the international level to the conservation of monuments, ensembles and cultural landscapes. The Monitoring-Group of ICOMOS Germany, consisting of c. 50 experts, regularly assesses the state of conservation of the German World Heritage sites and issues recommendations for improvement when required (Link to Website).

ICOM Germany (e.V.)

The International Council of Museums, as the international organisation for museums and museum experts, is engaged in the conservation, the protection and the education about the world's cultural and natural heritage. With more than 35,000 members worldwide, ICOM is the international network of museums and museum experts across multiple disciplines.

Affiliated with ICOM are 119 national committees and 30 international committees as well as many regional and associated organisations. ICOM considers part of its task to cooperate with UNESCO in the protection of cultural heritage objects preserved in museums and to provide society access to them (Link to Website).

Association of German Archivists (e.V.)

Founded in 1946, the Association of German Archivists (Verband deutscher Archivarinnen und Archivare e.V., VdA) serves the interests of the discipline of archiving in germany as its professional network and platform. The association unites about 2,400 members, thus forming the largest such association in Europe. To its main activities belong the annual  German Archive Congress, the professional trade fair ARCHIVISTICA and the Day of the Archives. Not to mention, it supports the international exchange as a contributing organisation to the International Council on Archives (ICA) (Link to Website).